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Sonotrack Publications


bullet2.gif Guedj, F.; Kane, E.; Bishop, L.A.; Pennings, J.L.A.; Herault, Y.; Bianchi, D.W.;
The impact of Mmu17 non-Hsa21 orthologous genes in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome: the “gold standard” refuted
Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2023.02.012, 14 March 2023 Abstract
bullet2.gif Pupikina, M.; Sitnikova, E.
Sex Differences in Behavior and Learning Abilities in Adult Rats
MDPI Journal, Life 2023, 13, 547, Online 15 February 2023 Full Article
bullet2.gif Giannoccaro, S.; Ferraguto, C.; Petroni, V.; Marcelly, C.; Nogues, X.; Campuzano, V.; Pietropaolo, S.
Early Neurobehavioral Characterization of the CD Mouse Model of Williams–Beuren Syndrome
MDPI Journal, Cells 2023, 12, 391 21 January 2023 Full Article
bullet2.gif Hilton, J.R.; Simpson, S.R.; Sherman, E.R.; Raby-Smith, W.; Azvine, K.; Arribas, M.; Zhou, J.; Deiana, S.; Hengerer, B.; Cahill, E.N.
Reactivity to conditioned threat cues is distinct from exploratory drive in the elevated plus maze
European Journal of Neuroscience, 57(1), 54–63, January 2023 Full Article


bullet2.gif Petroni1,, V.; Subashi, E.; Premoli, M.; Memo, M.; Lemaire, V.; Pietropaolo, S.;
Long-term behavioral effects of prenatal stress in the Fmr1-knock-out mouse model for fragile X syndrome
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Sec. Cellular Neurophysiology, Vol. 16 - 2022 , 27 October 2022 Full Article
bullet2.gif Qi, Y.
Effects of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) on ultrasonic vocalizations emitted by rat pups during isolation
Neurotoxicology and Teratology, Vol. 93, September–October 2022, 107118, Online 5 August 2022 Abstract
bullet2.gif Premoli, M.; Petroni, V., Bulthuis, R.; Bonini, S.A.; Pietropaolo, S.
Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Adult C57BL/6J Mice: The Role of Sex Differences and Repeated
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Online 14 July 2022 Full Article
bullet2.gif Hoshina, N.; Johnson-Venkatesh, E.M.; Rally, V.R.; Sant, J.; Hoshina, M.; Seiglie, M.P.; Umemori, H.
ASD/OCD-Linked Protocadherin-10 Regulates Synapse, But Not Axon, Development in the Amygdala and Contributes to Fear- and Anxiety-Related Behaviors
The Journal of Neuroscience, 42(21):4250–4266, 25 May 2022 Full Article
bullet2.gif Lara-Valderrábano, L.; Ciszek, R.; Bañuelos-Cabrera, I.; Andrade, P.; Pitkänen, A.
Ultrasonic vocalizations – Novel seizure-related manifestation in rats
Epilepsy Research, Vol. 183, July 2022, 106927, Online 22 April 2022 Full Article
bullet2.gif Pietropaolo, S.; Petroni, V.; Subashi, E.; Premoli, M.; Wöhr, M.; Crusio, W.E.; Lemaire, V.
Autistic-like behavioral effects of prenatal stress in juvenile Fmr1 mice: the relevance of sex differences and gene-environment interactions
Research Square, Online 25 February 2022 Full Article
bullet2.gif Subhadeep, D.; Srikumar, B.N.; Rao, B.S.S.; Kutty, B.M.
Ventral subicular lesion impairs pro-social empathy-like behavior in adult Wistar rats
Neuroscience Letters, 136535, Online 16 February 2022 Abstract
bullet2.gif Tong, Y.; Pfeiffer, L.; Serchov, T.; Coenen, V.A.; Döbrössy, D.
Optogenetic stimulation of ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurons in a female rodent model of depression: The effect of different stimulation patterns
Journal of Neuroscience Research, Research Article, 28 January 2022 Full Article


bullet2.gif Shahrier, M.O.; Wada, H.
Effects of Ethanol Exposure during Lactation on Ultrasonic Vocalizations of Rat Pups upon Their Isolation: Increase in Pup Distress Calls
Brain Sciences, 21 September 2021 Full Article
bullet2.gif Bogacki-Rychlik, W.; Rolf, M.; Bialy, M.
Anticipatory 50-kHz Precontact Ultrasonic Vocalizations and Sexual Motivation: Characteristic Pattern of Ultrasound Subtypes in an Individual Analyzed Profile
Frontiers in Behaviorial Neuroscience, 2021; 15: 722456, 20 August 2021 Full Article
bullet2.gif Heinla, I.; Chu, X.; Ågmo, A.; Snoeren, E.
Rat ultrasonic vocalizations and novelty-induced social and non-social investigation behavior in a seminatural environment
Physiology & Behavior, Volume 237, 113450, 1 August 2021 Full Article
bullet2.gif Barbe, M.F.; Harris, M.Y.; Cruz, G.E.; Amin, M.; Billett, N.M.; Dorotan, J.T.; Day, E.P.; Kim, S.Y.; Bove, G.M.
Key indicators of repetitive overuse induced neuromuscular inflammation and fibrosis are prevented by manual therapy in a rat model
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (Open Access), Article number: 417 (2021), 5 May 2021 Full Article
bullet2.gif McDonnell1, C.W.; Dunphy-Doherty, F.; Rouine, J.; Bianchi, M.; Upton, N.; Sokolowska, E.; Prenderville, J.A.
The Antidepressant-Like Effects of a Clinically Relevant Dose of Ketamine Are Accompanied by Biphasic Alterations in Working Memory in the Wistar Kyoto Rat Model of Depression
Frontiers in Psychiatry / Psychopharmacology, 20 January 2021 Full Article


bullet2.gif Horiai, M.;, Otsuka, A.; Hidema, S.; Hiraoka, Y.; Hayashi, R.; Miyazaki, S.; Furuse, T.; Mizukami, H.; Teruyama, R.; Tamura, M.; Bito, H.; Maejima, Y.; Shimomura, K.; Nishimori, K.
Targeting oxytocin receptor (Oxtr)-expressing neurons in the lateral septum to restore social novelty in autism spectrum disorder mouse models
Nature, Scientific Reports (Open Access), Article number: 22173 (2020), 17 December 2020 Full Article
bullet2.gif Zapekin, S.G.; Shaposhnikov, K.V.; Suslov, N.I.; Kulpin, P.V.; Fedorova, YU.S.
Advantages of the Ultrasonic Vocalizations registration technique in the study of anxiolytic activity of pharmacological substances
Congress of Young Scientists. Tomsk, 2020, 'Actual Issues of Fundamental and Clinical Medicine', 19-20 November 2020 Abstract
bullet2.gif Egorova, M.A.; Akimov, A.G.
Specialization of Neurons with Different Response Patterns in the Mouse Mus musculus Auditory Midbrain and Primary Auditory Cortex during Communication Call Processing
Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology volume 56, pages 406–414 (2020), 12 November 2020 Abstract
bullet2.gif Shim, J.; Kim, J.G.; Lim, E.Y.; Kim, Y.T.;
Charantin relieves pain by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokine induction
Pharmacognosy Magazine, Year: 2020, Volume: 16, Issue: 69, Pages: 282-287, Online 11 June 2020 Full Article
bullet2.gif Shahrier, M.O.; Wada, H.
Effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on acoustic characteristics of play fighting-induced ultrasonic vocalizations in juvenile rats
NeuroToxicology, Volume 79, July 2020, Pages 25-39, Online 18 April 2020 Abstract
bullet2.gif Egorova, M.A.; Akimov, A.G.
Specialization of Neurons of the auditory center of the midbrain and the primary auditory cortex of the Mus Musculus mouse with different response patterns in the Frequency-Time processing of communication signals
Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology Volume 56 No 5 (2020), Online 3 April 2020 Abstract
bullet2.gif Burenkova, O.V.; Averkina, A.A.; Aleksandrova, E.A.; Zarayskaya, I.Y.
Brief but enough: 45-min maternal separation elicits behavioral and physiological responses in neonatal mice and changes in dam maternal behavior
Physiology & Behavior Volume 222, 1 August 2020, 112877, Online 20 March 2020 Abstract
bullet2.gif PelsÅ‘czi, P.; Kelemen, K.; Csölle, C.; Nagy, G.; Lendvai, B.; Román, V.; Lévay, G.
Disrupted Social Hierarchy in Prenatally Valproate-Exposed Autistic-Like Rats
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 15 January 2020 Full Article
bullet2.gif Mulvihill, K.G.; Brudzynski, S.M.
Association of medial corticostriatal regions with amphetamine-induced emission of 50 kHz vocalizations as studied by Zif-268 expression in the rat brain
Research Report in Brain Research, Volume 1726, 146505, 1 January 2020 Abstract


bullet2.gif Dunphy-Doherty, F.; Prenderville, J.; Bianchi, M.; , Sokolowska, E.
Investigation into the effects of chronic antidepressant and acute ketamine treatment on ultrasonic vocalisations in Wistar-Kyoto and Sprague-Dawley rats
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 2019, 79, Suppl. 1, Online December 2019 Abstract
bullet2.gif Le Gall, A.; Hilber, P.; Chesneau, C.; Bulla, J.; Toulouse, J.; Machado, M.L.; Philoxene, B.; Smith, P.F.; Besnard, S.
The critical role of vestibular graviception during cognitivo-motor development
Behavioral Brain Research, Online 17 June 2019 Abstract
bullet2.gif Lim, E.Y.; Kim, J.G.; Lee, J.; Lee, C.; Shim, J.; Kim, Y.T.
Analgesic Effects of Cnidium officinale Extracts on Postoperative, Neuropathic, and Menopausal Pain in Rat Models
Hindawi, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2019, Article ID 9698727, 16 June 2019 (Research Article) Full Article
bullet2.gif Jeon, S.Y.; Kim, Y-H.; Kim, S.J.; Suh, S.K.; Cha, H.J.
Abuse potential of 2-(4-iodo-2, 5-dimethoxyphenyl)N-(2-methoxybenzyl)ethanamine (25INBOMe); in vivo and ex vivo approaches
Neurochemistry International, Volume 125, May 2019, Pages 74-81, Online 13 February 2019 Abstract
bullet2.gif Myose, T.; Shirakawa, A.; Irie, K.; Yamashita, Y.; Nakano, Y.; Takase, Y.; Matsuo, K.; Satho, T.; Tuchihashi, R.; Kinjo, J.; Tanaka, H.; Morimoto, S.; Funada, M.; Sano, K.; Mishima, K.
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol elicited 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalization changes after air puff stimulus through CB1 receptor in adult rats
Neuroscience Letters, Online 8 February 2019 Abstract
bullet2.gif Bialy, M.; Podobinska, M.; Barski, J.; Bogacki‑Rychlik, W; Sajdel‑Sulkowska, E.M.
Distinct classes of low frequency ultrasonic vocalizations (lUSVs) in rats during sexual interactions relate to different emotional states
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 2019, Research Paper, Volume 79, Pages 1–12, Feb. 2019 Full Article


bullet2.gif Mulvihill, K.G.; Brudzynski, S.M.
Effect of microinjections of dopamine into the nucleus accumbens shell on emission of 50 kHz USV: Comparison with effects of d-amphetamine
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior Volume 176, January 2019, Pages 23-32, Online 13 November 2018 Abstract
bullet2.gif Horie, K.; Inoue, K.; Suzuki, S.; Adachi, S.; Yada,S.; Hirayama, T. ; Hidema, S.; Young, L.J. Nishimori, K.
Oxytocin receptor knockout prairie voles generated by CRISPR/Cas9 editing show reduced preference for social novelty and exaggerated repetitive behaviors
Hormones and Behavior Available online 8 November 2018 Abstract
bullet2.gif Shahrier, M.A.; Wada, H.
Effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on acoustic characteristics of ultrasonic vocalizations in rat pups
NeuroToxicology, Volume 69, Pages 29-36, December 2018 Abstract
bullet2.gif Vendrig, N.J.; Hemerik, L.; Pinter, I.J.; Ter Braak, C.J.F.
Relating ultrasonic vocalizations from a pair of rats to individual behavior: A composite link model approach
Statistica Neerlandia,19 June 2018 Full Article
bullet2.gif Peters, S.M.
The importance of rat social behavior for translational research. An ethological approach
Thesis 4 April 2018
bullet2.gif Thiele, S.; Furlanetti, L.; Pfeiffer, L-M.; Coenen, V.A.; Döbrössy. M.D.
The effects of bilateral, continuous, and chronic Deep Brain Stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle in a rodent model of depression
Experimental Neurology, 8 February 2018, online Abstract


bullet2.gif Pyavchenko, G.A.; Pugach, V.A. Novikova, N.S.; Shmarkova, L.I.; Korneva, E. A.; Nozdrin, V. I.
The Content of c-Fos-Positive Neurons in the Cerebral Cortex and Striatum and Behavioral Characteristics in Rats on Cutaneous Application of Antiseptic Dorogov’s Stimulator Paste
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, October 2017, Volume 47, Issue 8, pp 1004–1009, October 30, 2017 online Abstract
bullet2.gif Filiz, A.; Tepe, N.; Eftekhari, S.; Boran, H.E.; Dilekoz, E.; Edvinsson, L.; Bolay, H.
CGRP receptor antagonist MK-8825 attenuates cortical spreading depression induced pain behavior
Cephalalgia, pp. 1-9, 28 October 3, 2017 online Abstract
bullet2.gif Lim, D.W.; Kim, J.G.; Lim, E.Y.; Kim, Y.T.
Antihyperalgesic effects of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera root extract) in rat models of postoperative and neuropathic pain
Inflammopharmacology, Feb. 2018, pp. 1-9, 28, Online  28 August 2017 Abstract
bullet2.gif Barret, C.E.; Hennessey, T.M.; Gordon, K.M.; Ryan, S.J.; McNair, M.L.; Ressler, K.J.; Rainnie, D.G.
Developmental disruption of amygdala transcriptome and socioemotional behavior in rats exposed to valproic acid prenatally
Molecular Autism 2017,8:42, 1 August 2017 Full article
bullet2.gif Peters, S.M.; Tuffnell, J.A.; Pinter, Van der Harst, J.E.; Spruijt, B.M.
Short-and long-term behavioral analysis of social interaction, ultrasonic vocalizations and social motivation in a chronic phencyclidine model
Behavioural Brain Research, Volume 325, Part A, Pages 34–43, 1, 15 May 2017 Abstract
bullet2.gif Verdouw, P.M.; Van Esterik, J.C.J.; Peeters, B.W.M.M.; Millan, M.J.; Groenink, L.
CRF1 but not glucocorticoid receptor antagonists reduce separation-induced distress vocalizations in guinea pig pups and CRF overexpressing mouse pups. A combination study with paroxetine
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, Volume 154, Pages 11–19, March 2017 Full article
bullet2.gif Ågmo, A,; Snoeren, E.M.S.
A cooperative function for multisensory stimuli in the induction of approach behavior of a potential mate
Plos One, journal.pone.0174339, 17 March 2017 Full article


Adulthood behavioral and neurodevelopmental effects of being raised by an ambivalent mother in rats: what does not kill you makes you stronger
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, (2016) 46: 1546-1560, 17 November 2016 Full article
bullet2.gif Malinina, E.S.; Egorova, M.A.; Khorunzhii, G.D.; Akimov, G.D.
The time scale of adaptation in tonal sequence processing by the mouse auditory midbrain neurons
Doklady Biological Sciences, September 2016, Volume 470, Issue 1, pp 209–213, 8 November 2016 Abstract
bullet2.gif Pang, Y.; Dai, X.; Roller, A.; Carter, K.; Paul, I.; Bhatt, A.J.; Lin, R.C.S.; Fan, L.
Early Postnatal Lipopolysaccharide Exposure Leads to Enhanced Neurogenesis and Impaired Communicative Functions in Rats
Plos-One, Research Artile, 10 October 2016 Full Article
bullet2.gif Bialy, M.; Bogacki-Rychlik, W.; Kasarello, K.; Nikolaev, E.; Sajdel-Sulkowska, E.M.
Modulation of 22-khz postejaculatory vocalizations by conditioning to new place: Evidence for expression of a positive emotional state
Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol 130(4), pages 415-421, August 2016 Full Article
bullet2.gif Wada, H.
Acoustic alterations of ultrasonic vocalization in rat pups induced by perinatal hypothyroidism
NeuroToxicology, Available online 27 May 2016 Abstract
bullet2.gif Allard, M.; Bergeron, J.D.; Baharnoori, M.; Srivastava, L.K.; Fortier, L.; Poyart, C. and Sébire, G.
A sexually dichotomous, autistic-like phenotype is induced by Group B Streptococcus maternofetal immune activation
Autism Research, Available online 25 May 2016 Abstract
bullet2.gif Thiele, S.; Spehl, T.S.; Frings, L.; Braun, F.; Ferch, M.; Rezvani, A.H.; Furlanetti, L.L.; Meyer, P.T.; Coenen, V.A.; Döbrössy, M.D.
Long-term characterization of the Flinders Sensitive Line rodent model of human depression: Behavioral and PET evidence of a dysfunctional entorhinal cortex
Behavioural Brain Research, Volume 300, Pages 11–24, 1 March 2016 Abstract
bullet2.gif Miyazaki, S.; Hiraoka, Y.;Hidema, S.; Nishimori, K.
Prenatal minocycline treatment alters synaptic protein expression
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, page 472, Vol. 27, February 2016 Full Article
bullet2.gif Furlanetti, L.L.; Coenen, V.A.; Döbrössy, M.D.
Ventral tegmental area dopaminergic lesion-induced depressive phenotype in the rat is reversed by deep brain stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle
Behavioural Brain Research, Volume 299, Pages 132–140, 15 February 2016 Full article
bullet2.gif Williams, S.N.; Undieh, A.S.
Dopamine-sensitive signaling mediators modulate psychostimulant-induced ultrasonic vocalization behavior in rats
Behavioural Brain Research, Volume 296, 1, Pages 1–6, January 2016 Abstract



Anders, Å Snoeren, E.M.S.
Silent or Vocalizing Rats Copulate in a Similar Manner
PLOS-One, 3 December 2015 Full article

bullet2.gif Riaz, M.S.; Bohlen, M.O.; Gunter, B.W.; Henryb, Q, Stockmeier, C.Q.; Paul, I.A.
Attenuation of social interaction-associated ultrasonic vocalizations and spatial working memory performance in rats exposed to chronic unpredictable stress
Physiology & Behavior, Volume 152, Part A, Pages 128–134, 1 December 2015 Abstract

Lim, D.W.; Kim, J.G.; Han, T.; Jung, S.K.; Lim, E.Y.; Han, D.; Kim, Y.T.
Analgesic Effect of Ilex paraguariensis Extract on Postoperative and Neuropathic Pain in Rats
Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 38, 1573–1579 (2015), July 2015 Full article

bullet2.gif Furlanetti, L.L.; Coenen, V.A.; Aranda, I.A.; Döbrössy, M.D.
Chronic deep brain stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle reverses depressive‑like behavior in a hemiparkinsonian rodent model
Experimental Brain Research(2015) 233:3073–3085, 21 July 2015 Full article
bullet2.gif Guedj, F.; Pennings, J.L.A.; Ferres, M.A.; Graham, L.C.; Wick, H.C.; Miczek, K.A.; Slonim, D.K.; Bianchi, D.W.
The Fetal Brain Transcriptome and Neonatal Behavioral Phenotype in the Ts1Cje Mouse Model of Down syndrome
American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, page 1993 - 2008, 27 April 2015 Full article
bullet2.gif Fernández-Vargas, M.; Johnston, R.E.
Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Golden Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) Reveal Modest Sex Differences and Nonlinear Signals of Sexual Motivation
PLoS One, 25 February 2015;10(2) Full article


bullet2.gif Komatsu, H.; Furuya, Y.; Sawada, K.; Asada, T.
Involvement of the strychnine sensitive glycine receptor in the anxiolytic effects of GlyT1 inhibitors on maternal separation induced ultrasonic vocalization in rat pups
European Journal of Pharmacology, 18 November 2014 Full article
bullet2.gif Sayin, A.; Derinöz, O.; Yüksel, N.; Åžahin, S.; Bolay, H.
The effects of the estrus cycle and citalopram on anxiety-like behaviors and c-fos expression in rats
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, September 2014, Vol. 124, Pages 180–187 Abstract
bullet2.gif Snoeren, E.M.S.; Anders, A.
The Role of Odors and Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Female Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Partner Choice
Journal of Comparative Psychology, 18 August 2014 Abstract

Kim, J.G.; Lim, Cho, S.; D.W.; Han D.; Kim, Y.T.
The Edible Brown Seaweed Ecklonia cava Reduces Hypersensitivity in Postoperative and Neuropathic Pain Models in Rats
Molecules 2014, 19, 7669-7678 (ISSN 1420-3049), June 10, 2014 Full article

bullet2.gif Snoeren, E.M.S.; Helander, L.R.; Iversen, E.E.; Ågmo, A.
On the role of individual differences in female odor and ultrasonic vocalizations for male's choice of partner
Physiology & Behavior, 10 June 2014, Volume 132, Pages 17–23 Abstract

Snoeren, E.M.S.; Anders, Å
The incentive value of males’ 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations for female rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Journal of Comparative Psychology, Vol 128(1), Pages 40-55, February 2014 Abstract


Lim, D.W.; Kim, J.G.; Han D.; Kim, Y.T.
Analgesic Effect of Harpagophytum procumbens on Postoperative and Neuropathic Pain in Rats
Molecules 2014, 19, page 1060-1068 (doi:10.3390; ISSN 1420-3049), January 16, 2014 Full article

bullet2.gif Aslihan Dönmez, R.; Duygu Kaya, F.; Derimöz, O.; Hakan Emmez, O.; Candansayar, A.; Bolay Belens, H.
Behavioural and neurobiological consequences of 2 different chronic stressors in rats
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, January 2014, Vol. 44 Full article



Wada, H.
Repeated Maternal Separation and Ultrasonic Vocalization in Rat Pups
International Neurotoxicology Association meeting 2013, Poster of Hokkaido University, Japan, June 2013 Full article

bullet2.gif Snoeren, E.M.S.; Ågmo, A.;
Female Ultrasonic Vocalizations Have No Incentive Value for Male Rats
Behavioral Neuroscience, Mar 4 , 2013 Abstract


bullet2.gif Pertsov, S.S.; Koplik, E.V.; Karkishchenko, N.N.; Sudakov, K.V.
Ultrasonic Vocalization of Rats in Various Motivational and Emotional States
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol. 153, Issue 6, pp 805-808 October 2012 Abstract
bullet2.gif Van Nijnatten, T.J.M.
Ultrasonic vocalization in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) - a pilot study
Part of Thesis work (performed at Biomedical Primate Research Centre Rijswijk Netherlands), published 2 Feb. 2012 Full article


bullet2.gif Sloley, S.S.; Hwa, L.S.; DeBold, J.F.; Miczek, K.A.
GABAA alpha-5 subunit manipulation of maternal separation-induced anxiety in mice.
Senior Honors Thesis Psychology Department, Tufts University 2010-2011 Thesis
bullet2.gif Snoeren, E.; Ågmo, A.
The incentive value of female 50-kHz vocalizations for male rats
Poster University of Tromsø, Norway (2011) presented during SFN2011 Poster


bullet2.gif De Groot, D.; Swierstra, J.; Damsteegt, L.; Blauw, L.; v.d. Horst, L.; Otto, M.; v.d. Wiel, H.; Bulthuis, R.; Rubingh, C.
Ultrasonic Vocalisations (USVs) in rat pups. An animal friendly marker for neurotoxicity during development.
Poster TNO (2010) presented during MB2010 Poster
bullet2.gif Akcali, D.; Sayin1, A.; Sara, Y.; Bolay, H.
Does single cortical spreading depression elicit pain behaviour in freely moving rats?
Cephalalgia Volume .., Issue .., Pages 1-12 (March 31, 2010) Full article


bullet2.gif Takahashi, A.; Yap, J.J.; Zitzman Bohager, D.; Faccidomo, S.; Clayton, T.; Cook, J.M.; Miczek, K.A.
Glutamatergic and GABAergic modulations of ultrasonic vocalizations during maternal separation distress in mouse pups
Psychopharmacology (2009) 204:61–71 Full article
bullet2.gif Williams, S.N.; Undieh, A. S.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling modulates cocaine induction of reward-associated ultrasonic vocalization in rats
The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (2009) jpet.109.158535; Full article


bullet2.gif Hansen, E.; Agmo, A.;
Precopulatory Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Rats: Noise or Communications?
Poster University of Tromsoe (2006) Poster
bullet2.gif Portfors, C.V.;
Types and Functions of Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Laboratory Rats and Mice
Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (2007) Full article

Oliveira, A.R.; Barros, H.M.T.
'Ultrasonic Rat Vocalizations During the Formalin Test: A Measure of the Affective Dimension of Pain?'
Anesthesia Analg 2006;102:832–9 (2006) Full article

bullet2.gif Metris b.v. / Dr. Ellen Molewijk
'High Quality Simultaneous Measurements of Rodents Behaviour, Tracking, Physiology, Sleep Stages and Ultrasounds'
Touch Briefings, Future Drug Discovery 2006, (report January 2006) Full article

Holy, T.E.; Guo, Z.
'Ultrasonic Songs of Male Mice'
PLoS Biology Dec. 2005, Vol 3, Issue 12, e386 (2005) Full article

bullet2.gif Metris b.v. / Dr. Ellen Molewijk
'High Quality Measurements of Rodents Behaviour, Tracking and Ultrasounds Using LABORAS and SONOTRACK'
Touch Briefings, Future Drug Discovery 2005, (report January 2005) Full article

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