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Partner companies & collaborations


Metris is an innovative company which is continously improving her products. To strengthen our capabilities, we work together with a variety of national and international partners to offer the latest technology and optimal solutions to our customers. Most of our partners are specialists or market leader in their respective fields of expertise.


Technical and commercial partners 

bullet2.gif BMDS Inc. (USA)
bullet2.gif Data Sciences International (USA) 
bullet2.gif EZ Systems (USA) 
bullet2.gif Instech (USA)
bullet2.gif Kaoskey (Australia)
bullet2.gif Kissei Inc. (Japan)
bullet2.gif Lab Products Inc. (USA)
bullet2.gif Plexx (The Netherlands)  


Research partners


bullet2.gif Porsolt and Partners (France)
bullet2.gif Research Institute of Hygiene, Toxicology, and Occupational Pathology (RIHTOP) (Russia)
bullet2.gif Radboudumc, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior (The Netherlands)
TNO (The Netherlands)
bullet2.gif Transpharmation (UK)
bullet2.gif Ulysses (Ireland)    


For more information on these companies, click on the links above.

To find more details about our distributors and sales agents please refer to the section Distributors on our website.



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